Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Neighbours testing our resolve to exploit weak links

ST Forum, The Straits Times, February 27, 2007

It amuses me no end when our neighbours kick the 'little red dot' around, with scant consideration for protocol, rationality, maturity and reasonableness.

Yes, when it suits their national agenda, we are the easiest and most convenient whipping boy for their angst, frustrations or nationalistic fervour.

Our elder brother to the north treats us as the perennial lightning rod whenever it needs to draw attention and flak away from its internal political storms, whether social, economic, religious, educational or even racial.

There were numerous times when I witnessed, with increasing alarm, the brash and outrageous abuses hurled in our direction - bilateral discussions, international treaties, environmental or cross-border issues, et cetera - which they deemed we ought to back-pedal because we are the younger brother.

It is to our collective credit that our national leaders have always maintained a calm, cool and rational approach vis-Ã -vis such unsolicited and, at times, virulent provocations.

It would really be a huge morale booster for Singapore if we can replicate the kind of solidarity our fanatic soccer fans displayed: travelling north to the Lions' den (so to speak) to register their vociferous vocal and moral support for the national soccer team at the recent Asean Soccer Tournament. It was icing on the cake when we triumphed.

Whether it is the ban on the sale of Indonesian sand to Singapore, the scandalously laughable finger-pointing that our reclamation caused the damaging floods in Johor, the alleged phone tapping by our telco operators in Thailand, et cetera, Singaporeans should be aware that our detractors are gingerly feeling the pulse of our resolve and togetherness for any exploitable weak links.

Ho Kong Loon

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