Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Want a top-notch education? NUS wins, hands down

ST Forum, The Straits Times, May 29, 2007

IN RESPONSE to many comments on the UNSW saga, may I add:

1.This year, NUS is ranked among the top 20 universities in the world;

2.I've lectured (as a guest) at the UNSW grad school and at the Melbourne grad school of business.

3.I was Professor, School of Management, University of S. Australia for two years.

4.I was a Sr Fellow at the School of Management, NUS, also for two years.

5.If a youngster couldn't decide between two truly great cities, Sydney and S'pore, I'd be quiet.

6.If a youngster wanted a top-notch education and couldn't decide, there would be no hesitation: NUS, hands down.

By the bye, coincidently, I graduated from the Yale U. Inst. of Far Eastern Languages and received my BS in Chinese history and literature from Columbia U., the two schools that sandwiched NUS this year in the world rankings.

Francis X.Callahan

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