Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew

April 27 2007 - Young Arab Leaders Global Action Forum: Arab and Asian Dialogue.
1. MM Lee: If Singapore disappears, the world will feel its absence
2. Political change cannot come overnight or from abroad: MM LKY
3. Emigres who advised US on Iraq 'didn't know the ground'
4. Thoughts on China, Singapore's success and ensuring continuity

April 25 2007 - Dialogue at opening of media company Reuters in Singapore.
1. MM Lee expects growth to hit top end of 4.5-6.5% forecast
2. World is in 'serious trouble' over global warming: MM LKY
3. China's key focus is on growth, says MM Lee
4. Defence and extradition deals good for ties
5. MM tackles queries on casinos, homosexual sex

April 21, 2007 - Dialogue with Young PAP.
1. Extraordinary govt, talent keep Singapore ahead, says MM LKY
2. 'Right strategy at right time for a country without resources'
3. Adjusting to the realities of a globalising world
4. MM: My job to look after those who built nation
5. Citizens form core, foreigners add dynamism
6. PAP talent-spotting system 'has worked'
7. Realistic pay package to get the best into Parliament
8. Homosexuality: Govt not moral police but it's mindful of people's concerns
9. Govt preparing for possibility of rising sea levels
10. What they say
11. A wonderful meeting with MM Lee

Mar/April 2007 - Three city tour of Australia.
1. LKY to critics: Gauge Singapore by any yardstick of governance
2. Singapore and Australia share common strategic view: MM LKY
3. China will face tipping point in 20 years: MM LKY
4. Singapore is ahead in contest for talent for now, says MM LKY
5. Why 'Minister Mentor'?
6. Media paints a bad image of Singapore ...
7. MM Lee's take on freedom in Singapore and ministerial salaries

February 23 2007 - Tanjong Pagar GRC Chinese New Year Dinner.
1. Move Singapore to 'upper half' of First World: MM Lee

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